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Dániel Sipos

Dániel Sipos

Senior Software Engineer @ Synthesis-NET LLC

There are many good things in the world, one is the science of programming. Which can be used to create applications with a multitude of lines of code, these can make easier the daily work of people. I sit down in front of my computer with this spirit day by day and work to reach this goal. I am one of the lucky people, whose job is one of their hobbies, so my mood does not decrease after many hours of development. This profession is full of challenges, continuous improvement is given and expected, do not get stuck in one technology, need to increase knowledge.

My motto is the following: an application is living, while it is being developed, otherwise, the time will run past it.

6 Jul 1987
hungarian, english
Programing languages
Developer pages
GitHub BLOG.siposdani87 Google Play App Store

My projects

Each project introduces my own development work, which I started as a greenfield project in the given year.

TrophyMap Hunting Club Management SaaS

Do you want to build the future of the hunting club in the coming open seasons?! The TrophyMap will provide you with an accurate status of the hunting club, including budgets, hunts, and compliance with the game management plan.

Since 2015 View
I18Nature App Localization SaaS

Multilingualism is a key in the viability of applications. Frameworks and development tools work with language files. This service provides a central location for these files, so the translators and developers can do their jobs in the best possible conditions.

Since 2019 View
I18Nature-CLI Command line interface for I18Nature

This CLI helps to initialize, upload and download your translation files via I18Nature localization cloud. Generate project_api_key to access your project via CLI. We can handle multiple translation files in one project.

Since 2021 View
SUI-JS Micro Frontend Framework

This is a lightweight FE framework. It is written in the TypeScript language. The codebase was documented with JSDoc and compiled with Esbuild advanced settings. In this framework there are a lot of predefined UI components.

Since 2014 View
SUI-RN React Native UI Kit

This is a basic UI library. It is written in the TypeScript language. The codebase was ready to use with Expo and React Native. In this library there are a lot of predefined form field components.

Since 2017 View
Expo Rich Text Editor WebView based React Native component

This rich text editor is written in TypeScript and uses React Hooks structure. This component uses the HTML ContentEditable div feature and React communicate and send data to native JavaScript via WebView. It has basic text editing options.

Since 2018 View
Expo Maps Polygon Editor React Native Maps based component

This multi polygon editor is written in TypeScript for the React Native Maps component. This component allows you to select, create, or modify areas on Apple Maps and Google Maps. You can edit multiple polygons at the same time.

Since 2019 View
CronFormField Flutter based cron expression field

This CronFormField package is written in Dart for the Flutter. You can edit cron expressions with this form field in an alert dialog. This widget extends TextField to have more useful behavior. It supports both Standard and Quartz cron expressions with allowed and alternative values.

Since 2021 View
Puzzle Builder Italian style puzzle builder

The core of the puzzle builder web application is the editor component. The built-in editor is suitable for building and solving Italian-style puzzles. The goal was primarily to implement puzzle building functions.

Since 2011 View
BLOG.siposdani87 Software Developer blog

This blog web application displays developer markdown articles via (MD/MDX/MDsveX). Developer problems are discussed, for which it is difficult to find a solution on the Internet, so I share my experiences related to them.

Since 2021 View
Mongoid Fixture Kit Fixtures for Rails Mongoid

This package is a Ruby gem that provides a way to load sample data into a MongoDB database for testing purposes. It provides a simple and convenient way to manage test data by defining fixtures in YAML files, which can be loaded into the database before running tests.

Since 2019 View
eBeirókönyv Digital Hunter Book

It is a high performance marketing and landing page of TrophyMap SaaS based on meta framework. These pages contains a lot of micro transitions and animations. These techniques help to improve user experiences and usability. Search robots make useful indexes about SEO optimized documents.

Since 2023 View